Our local FWB Women’s Ministry meets each month at the O’Fallon First Free Will Baptist Church and coordinates many mission projects throughout the year. Of particular note is their work to fill boxes for Samaritan’s Purse each year. They also are members of and support the Missouri Free Will Baptist Women’s Ministry.
The Missouri Free Will Baptist Women’s Ministry is a vital, dynamic part of the ministry of our state and around the world. Their efficient organization leads to a great ministry. The main objective of Women’s Ministry is the support of missions.
At the state convention in June of 2019, the ladies voted to disband MOWAC and go under the Mo FWB Missions Board (MMB). Changing their name to Mo FWB Women’s Ministry.
The MO FWB Women’s Ministry funds an annual scholarship for a young lady from Missouri who will attend one of our Free Will Baptist Colleges.
Their events include a State Convention in June and their State Women’s Retreat in September.
Our members on the state board are:
Barb Cochran, Secretary
Sarah Whitehead